Friday, August 31, 2007


my site feels so lonely and left out (*crys*)

no one likes me...









(*curls up in the corner of the room crying*)


Silvertongue said...

No, you are wrong. You are not alone, I am still here. I love you!

The Jester said...

sure... until you find someone else... than i get pushed away... (*thinking about writing poem from the "dark days" here*)

Silvertongue said...

NOT TRUE!!! I would never do such a thing!!

The Jester said...

"down once more to the dungens of my black dispair, down we plunge to the prison of my mind. down the path into darkness deep as hell!"

The Jester said...

sssssuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeee you wouldn't

Silvertongue said...

It's true, i would never do that. *Sniff* *cry* i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't *cry* *sniff*

The Jester said...

yeah... you just say that because due to the lack of any other "intelegent" life, i am forced to believe (or belive) you so you are able to lie without concequence and say you won't leave me simply because at this time you won't due to the fact you have no where else to go

so i learned how to talk like sherburn... not that there was much to learn

Silvertongue said...

Bzzzzt. Nope, i can and have been a lone wolf before. so technically i always have somewhere to go. I choose to remain though.

The Jester said...

okay... i'll stop crushing you efforts

eating now

talk later

Silvertongue said...

What are/were you eating?

The Jester said...

dirt cakes and mud pies

Silvertongue said...

... okay ...

Anonymous said...

I still love you!!!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* Jaki I love you and you are NOT alone. So stop that!

Anonymous said...

Or kitty-Kyo shall attack you!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silvertongue said...

... Awww, do you mean you have Kyo with you? I want kyo. Where is he?

The Jester said...

but i'm lonely

i want a hug

Silvertongue said...

I can send you a virtual hug. *hug* You can redeem it tomorrow at school.