Friday, August 17, 2007

Pride Essay

Superbia, gloria, hokori, pride. In any language, the word for pride caries a certain degree of power and longing. Strong words, compelling the ear to hear more.

Pride. It enables us to see the full potential of worth in the things we do. It is the ability to prize the fruits of our labors. It is the reason we find a longing to care for our country and family. Also it is a darkness clouding our minds from seeing the errors of our actions, a selfish greedy monster that allows no alterations in our life. It is the over-confidence and cockiness that stop us from striving to reach our full potential. So what really is pride? Is it our friend, our crutch to lean on? Or is it an inner beast bent on our complete annihilation; the one with the monstrous need for unwavering traditions that will lead to our ultimate demise?

Pride: inordinate self-esteem: conceit: a reasonable or justifiable self-respect: delight arising from some act, possession, or relationship

That is what the dictionary defines pride as. But is pride bending our will for a sake of selfish desires or is reaching our will out in passion and love?

Without pride our county, our courageous warriors, would have no support from the civilians they try to make safe from the eternal gloom brought upon by war and a society ruled by a nonexistent structure and disciplinary system. People who spend their lives embracing the protection and equality of this country; the ones who pour their blood into our soil and the soil of their homeland to provide safety and defense to those too weak to defend theirselves, they would disappear. Without pride, our country would be ruled by people of random actions not by people striving to obtain the growth and advancement needed to make our country soar above all prior expectations. Many countries would have a foundation of bribery and deceit, if any at all. We would no longer have people pouring their hearts into their jobs. Instead we would find ourselves in the care of people who could care less about helping people. I may be alone, but I would rather not find myself in the hands of a medical specialist who could careless whether I live or cease my existence in this world. Also without pride we would have nothing to live for and in that thought our existence in this world would be a pointless charade. We would have nothing to strive for nor would we have any reason to die so our existence, our being, the things that make us who we are and give us a place in this world would be absolutely pointless. We would be living an empty life in an empty void.
On that note, with pride we are blinded in our own light and glory, and travel an unwavering course to our total and complete obliteration. Pride mutates our thoughts past the point of common sense and onto the path of irrational behavior. Pride wallows in prejudices and discrimination, foolishness and false praises. It truly is a demon created by our own making. One that allows us to view our position in society in the most illogical of ways. Allowing us to coincide with fallacious praising which poisons our soul, giving it the mucky hue of dirt which is what we have, if under the influence of pride, by that time become. We begin thinking ourselves as immortal and our own cockiness derived from our crocked perception of ourselves causes our ultimate defeat of both body and soul. That is, in end, what Pride strives for, the gnarled and twisted demolition of the soulless carcass that we become after falling into the grasp of the indestructible horror that resides in any heart that is too foolish to see past it, Pride.
So to conclude, pride is a thing that must stay in perfect balance with itself in order to not destroy society. It is something that we can’t sustain a complete life without but also something that we can’t live a full with after falling into the flea bitten hands of. Demise is pride’s ultimate goal. It leaves us no option of living without it and little option of living with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read it before at school and I STILL think that it ROCKS!!! :D