Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bleach 20

So in the 20th book of Bleach they completely tore down all the hopes and loyalties i had... in one book they killed one of my favorite characters -Momo-, seriously injured two others -Toshiro and Renji-, made me hate one -Aizen-, and made yet another of my favorites evil -Tosen-(which isn't all that suprising since i usually fall in love with any one who is, was, or is going to become evil)

The only one of my favorite characters that they didn't hurt this book were Uryu??...(who already lost all his spiritual powers), and Yoruichi (who is the only one of my favorate that still remains basically unscaved)


Silvertongue said...

I believe you mean Uryu and Yoruichi

The Jester said...



u no i cn t spel


The Jester said...

you know what the funniest thing is... i looked up yoruichi's name to see how to spell it

Silvertongue said...

That is weird.

Anonymous said...

They killed off Momo!?! Bastards...
Incidentally, I've always wondered how a soul reaper would die..
I mean, aren't they already dead?

Silvertongue said...

Technically he tries to kill her, but she lives and is traumatized by it. Yet she still does not want them to harm Aizen to stop him (how the **** is that possible?). Then Toshiro basically takes the blame upon himself that he couldn't help her (sad).

Anonymous said...

I should really watch this show. Unfortunatly as soon as I got into it they took it off. *sigh* That's just another example of my luck.

Silvertongue said...

You can borrow the books from me or watch the episodes on


This where i watched up to episode 136 in bleach.

The Jester said...

lucky i can't even watch a third of an episode with out my computer trying to claim dominance and starting a revilusion