Monday, August 27, 2007 promised Huck Finn

So the beginning...
Huck went to live with the widow douglas and she trys to teach him about religion her name mrs. watson.Then huck's father comes back and trys to gain custity over huck and to try to get huck to hand over the money he and tom found on the island. After a few days of court the dad finally takes the law into his own hands and runs away with huck. the few dollars that huck has on him the dad swanders buying alchole. After a while of dealing with the dad's abuse huck decides to leave on a raft because he doesn't want to return to the widow's home due to the fact that he feels that she stifles his freedom. so he saws out of the long boat his dad lives on and fakes his murder by killing a boar with an ax and leaveing the bloody ax in the boat then he takes the pig out, weighs it down, and sinks it in the mississippi river. after that he throws togeather a raft from drift wood that is in the river due to recent flooding. he sails only at night and finally comes to an island inthe mddle of the river. He decides that this s a good spot to hide and pulls his raft in and hids it in underbrush. he had stolen things from the long boat like food and tools to survive so he was doing fine and then one day he saw smoke so he went to check it out. upon ariving at the other side of the island he saw a slave of mrs. watson's who had run away and was hiding because he had over heard her talking about selling him.

more later... comment if you are using this and i will finish the summary of the book
no comments= no more of the story


Silvertongue said...

It's a nice refresher for the book, especially with the test coming up.

You should swap the book with me during 2nd period so i can use it 4th.

The Jester said...

i was planning to

i wrote that because some of my friends in class didn't read the book so i was going to give them a brief description of what happened (not that it would at all make up for not reading the book)

but since i got no response on them using it i desided to only type the first part as a brain refresher

don't forget about the rattler skin