Wednesday, August 1, 2007

How to play Jaki Tennis

Step 1:Get a lot of rackets and an even greater number of tennis balls.
Step 2:Go to a tennis court that doesn't usually have a lot of people(this is to avoid unnecessary raises in fatality counts)with a group of friends that also don't know how to "play tennis"
Step 3:Use any method you can think of to hit the ball somewhere
Step 4:When you see the ball, swing your racket around the area that you assume the ball will be.
Step 5:If step 4 doesn't allow you to "return" the ball then through your racket after the ball and see if you can hit it like that (if you can't find the ball after you hit it try checking your racket)

Rules for Scoring

1 point if you can get the ball out of your court by any means
1 point for not making the ball go into the creak for the entire game
Anything inside the fence is in
The winner is the last person to die of exhaustion

Sadly enough i would like to say that the game of tennis i just described was a joke but that would be lieing due to the fact that, that really is how we "play tennis"

Other names of our "tennis"
Samurai Tennis
Jaki Tennis
Whacking the Area Around Where We Think the Ball Will Be
Lethal Tennis
The Duck and Cover Drill(because you often have to duck and cover to avoid my racket from hitting you in the head)


Silvertongue said...

Speaking of tennis when are we going to play this week. I have no way to find out since nobody is answering their phone!!!

Anonymous said...

...sorry Tom. I have work and my phone is usually on silent because of it. I don't know when we can play again. Not this week for sure. hmm....maybe Sunday around 6pm. I'll have to see what my work schedule is first.

AWESOME Shi!!!!! YESH!!!! That SO rocked! I will now be printing the rules of tennis out and posting them in my room. LOL! I'm serious too!


~Lone Wolf~"Line by line, moment by moment, special times are etched into our memories in the permanent ink of everlasting love in our relationships." ~Gloria Gaither

Silvertongue said...

Any time to play tennis is good. I've been too cooped up lately, i need to get out and do something before i lose what's left of my mind.