Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Decision

so i have decided that i must have a very boring blog because no new people ever visit it... i think the only people that i don't know outside of the blog that have visited are hoshi and wolf boy... so now i'm very depressed...

(hide in a corner and looks over sholder like tamaki)

at least people still visit riceball alliance


FrankTheCat said...

I know about not having people read your blog. I only get traffic from friends...

Anonymous said...

dont worry jaki we still love U

Anonymous said...

I'm so bored but it must be 1am where u R its only 11:30 here.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE you!!!!! Its not true its not true!!! People DOOOOO love you!!!!!!!!!!

The Jester said...

oh... thanks joe, and seiri, and wolfy

i love you guys (even though i don't know joe)

starz said...

your blog isn't boring!!

...did I say that a bit late...?

The Jester said...

hey hoshi i love your new picture