Saturday, December 1, 2007

Finished/ Update

So i finished dhampir and it's pretty good... well good enough for me to want to read the next one Theives of Lives... but at the same time it's really infuriating but i can't say any more about it now because my friends still want to read it. just well what infuriates me the most is part of the reason i want to read the next one (the other reason is because i love leesil and his wolf chap)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Finally another post accually about books

So i'm curious if anyone has read any Piers Anthony books if so tell me if you like them. So i started reading a new book a few days ago called Dhampir... it's pretty good. It's about a vampire hunter and her partner a half elf and his dog and basically they go around scaming people until they are finally put in a position where they accually need the skills of a vampire hunter and so now they are trying to find hidden secrets and the truth behind superstitions in order to survive. So far my favorite characters are Chap, the wolf/dog, and Rashed the vampire. Oh... if you know any good books with theives or jesters in them can you please post a comment any type book is fine.


Monday, October 15, 2007

New Post... Kinda

so... um... ... ... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO POST!!!!

... oh well... sorry for wasting your time

love shi

Friday, October 5, 2007

Pillage and Plunder

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

//l// /l//
/l/ l /l/ l /
///-l l-



Monday, October 1, 2007


So my birthday is in six days and i don't know whether to be excited or depressed... so Christine, i think Raoul, and Gaara are planning to raid my house and bring "happieness" with them (and for those who relize what our "happieness" is don't worry we would kill ourselves)... so yeah that kinda cheers me up ... something "fun" to look forward to... well i guess i'll tell you guys later whether or not this birthday will/is a good or bad thing.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Quotes Continued

"Interesting... how unexpected regret can appear... I only wanted to know if you could make your life better, nobler than mine has been." ~Kurama Yoko

"Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose garden." ~T.S. Eliot

"It is a mortifying reflection for any man to consider what he has done compared with what he might have done." ~Samuel Johnson

"We own up to minor failings, but only so as to convince others that we have no major ones." ~La Rochefroucauld

"I've never any pity for conceited people, because i think they carry their comfort around with them." ~George Eliot

"At our birth nature... gave us reason, not perfect, but capable of being perfected." ~Seneca the Younger

"Man in the present state of society appears to me to be more corrupted by his reason then by his passions." ~Chamfort

"I regret nothing, says arrogance; I will regret nothing, says inexperience." ~Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

"Remorse drives the weak to despair and the strong to sainthood." ~Rousseau

"He that once deceives is ever suspected." ~George Herbert

"Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly and, if you speak, speak accordingly." ~Benjamin Franklin

"Sorrow makes us all children again, destroys differences of intellect. The wisest knows nothing." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Believe me, every heart has its secret sorrow which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"The strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack." ~Rudyard Kipling

"True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself." ~Henry Miller

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself." ~Alexander Chase

“I don’t discriminate. I hate everyone equally. I hate everyone so much that I made a “hate list”. Then I see you are making a “hate list”, which is my frikkin idea. Now I have abandoned my hate list and created a “hate plaque” with your name on it, and ONLY your name. So now I don’t hate indiscriminately…I hate you above all others.” ~Bruce Prokopets (Kat's favorite quote)

Note: Wolfy Sama I know you want me to drop it but I truly am sorry and want to make it up to you. Love Shi Chan

Saturday, September 29, 2007


"No neurotic harbors thoughs of suicide which are not murderous impulses against others redirected upon himself." ~Sigmund Freud

"Damnation is in the essence.
A damned person could be in the highest heaven:
He would still expirience hell and its torments." ~Angelus Silesius

more later

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


so... no i did not say this quote and no i don't fully believe it... it is funny though

"Those feelings you call "love" are nothing but an illusion. Indubitably. Love is clearly nothing more than an extension of mankind's drive to possess things. Except,, for some reason, just because this "thing" we're coveting is a person, we rut the idea on a pedestal and glorify it. Though in the end... likewise, wanting to do something for someone else, that's just another self-serving impulse. After all, you're only doing what you believe they want, not what you know they want. The only way that the ideal of love would have a truly special value, would be to vow never to try to possess the other person. In other words... the only true love is platonic. Don't you see that love, morals, religion and anything else that society deems to have spiritual value are completely made up? And when society begins to accept, and then project these values upon our natural desires, invariably other things with lesser value get attached, too. So what you end up with when you say the word "love" is something so warped and vulger that it's poisonous to our very souls. Don't you see that once we start to harbor monopolistic tendencies towards objects or even people, we're just setting the stage for coercion and violence to preserve what we deem to be our "rights" to those objects and/or people? And that has the potential to bring about such danger and turmoil that for the life of me I don't understand why you all insist on glamorizing it. It's something of a problem if i do say so myself. Frankly, it pains me to try and imagine what you all get out of it."

~Kyo, Missing

so i guess this can be used for i very extreme excuse if you don't want to go out with someone... and as i said i don't believe in all of it... it's just a really funny excuse to use on people...Love Eric

Sunday, September 16, 2007

stupidity again

so it's stupid how the entire world trys to make you what you aren't... i mean who has acctually gone through a day being entirly themselves and saying whatever they want to say (and yes seiri i know i usually speak my mind but no not even i have)

kinda like how most guys don't show emotion because society expects them to be strong and emotionless like robots, why do guys think they can't show there true feelings, why are girls expected to cry a lot and be really sensitive. why are some people expected to be lawyers while others are expected to rot away in jail

what would happen if everyone retained childhood innocents and never felt like they needed to please society

love shi

Thursday, September 13, 2007

sorry blog

my blog feels lonely because i have been posting on the group blog and riceball alliance but no it.. so i wish to tell it sorry

i'm sorry bloggy i didn't mean to leave you out... i'm so sorry

love shi

Thursday, September 6, 2007

stupidity in society

copyed from riceball alliance

so.... this is stupid ...
have you ever noticed that in the US all people seem to care about is sports... i mean think about it... you have people who play professional sports and get payed over a million dollars, then you have people who save lives and make america a more civil place who sometimes get payed enough to barely make a house payment. not only that but when it comes to colledge you get the sports people who may have a smaller brain than sheep who follow each other off a cliff but they get a full scholarship to any colledge of their choice where people who actually try hard to seceed in school may not even get to go to colledge because by the time it comes to them... there is no longer any scholarship money left. it's a wonderful society we live in right.... the bookworms who strive to make a difference are cut down, ridiculed, pushed around, and taken advantage of while the preps and jokes sit in class disturding the few who are trying to learn.we are never good enough in school to be respected but when it comes to the "star players" getting injured , the "nerds" are now of use
think about it... if all the "nerds" and "geeks" left the sports players they would not know what to do. they would be lost without us but we never get the deserved recognition were the sports people are admired for shoving people around and fighting over insignificant dead animals and inatimant objects.i say all of us out there striving to make a difference deserve better
all of you who stand by me REJOICE one day they won't have us and then they will relize their true position in this world
leave comments expressing your opinions
love shi aka jaki

Friday, August 31, 2007


my site feels so lonely and left out (*crys*)

no one likes me...









(*curls up in the corner of the room crying*)

Monday, August 27, 2007 promised Huck Finn

So the beginning...
Huck went to live with the widow douglas and she trys to teach him about religion her name mrs. watson.Then huck's father comes back and trys to gain custity over huck and to try to get huck to hand over the money he and tom found on the island. After a few days of court the dad finally takes the law into his own hands and runs away with huck. the few dollars that huck has on him the dad swanders buying alchole. After a while of dealing with the dad's abuse huck decides to leave on a raft because he doesn't want to return to the widow's home due to the fact that he feels that she stifles his freedom. so he saws out of the long boat his dad lives on and fakes his murder by killing a boar with an ax and leaveing the bloody ax in the boat then he takes the pig out, weighs it down, and sinks it in the mississippi river. after that he throws togeather a raft from drift wood that is in the river due to recent flooding. he sails only at night and finally comes to an island inthe mddle of the river. He decides that this s a good spot to hide and pulls his raft in and hids it in underbrush. he had stolen things from the long boat like food and tools to survive so he was doing fine and then one day he saw smoke so he went to check it out. upon ariving at the other side of the island he saw a slave of mrs. watson's who had run away and was hiding because he had over heard her talking about selling him.

more later... comment if you are using this and i will finish the summary of the book
no comments= no more of the story

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Decision

so i have decided that i must have a very boring blog because no new people ever visit it... i think the only people that i don't know outside of the blog that have visited are hoshi and wolf boy... so now i'm very depressed...

(hide in a corner and looks over sholder like tamaki)

at least people still visit riceball alliance

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bleach 20

So in the 20th book of Bleach they completely tore down all the hopes and loyalties i had... in one book they killed one of my favorite characters -Momo-, seriously injured two others -Toshiro and Renji-, made me hate one -Aizen-, and made yet another of my favorites evil -Tosen-(which isn't all that suprising since i usually fall in love with any one who is, was, or is going to become evil)

The only one of my favorite characters that they didn't hurt this book were Uryu??...(who already lost all his spiritual powers), and Yoruichi (who is the only one of my favorate that still remains basically unscaved)

Quote from Drizzt

I am dying.
Every day, with every breath i draw, i am closer to the end of my life. For we are born with a finite number of breaths, and each one i take edges the sunlight that is my life toward the inevitable dusk.

I can only look at it all and sigh, for as death is the greatest mystery, so it is the most presonal of revelations. We will not know, none of us, until the moment it is upon us, and we cannot truly and in good conscience convince another of our beliefs.

In coming to recognize my mortality, i have found the secret to enjoying those centuries, years, months, days, or even hours, that i have left to draw breath. This is the existance i can control, and to throw away the precious hours over fear of the inevitable is a foolish thing indeed. And to subconsciously think ourselves immortal, and thus not appreciate those precious few hours that we all have, is equally foolish.
I cannot control the truth of death, whatever my desperation. I can only make certain that those moments of my life i have remaining are as rich as they can be.

- Drizzt Do'Urden

Monday, August 20, 2007

EQ and seiri went out to see her horsey the other day and she was showing me how to "ride" her horse. We were helping seiri's friend do her chores and it was funny because me and seiri got into a fight over who would get to be able to pick up the last of the horsy poop... it was funny.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Quotes 3

" Just then Sherburn steps out onto the roof of his little front porch, with a double-barrel gun in his hand, and takes his stand, perfectly ca'm and deliberate, not saying a word. The racket stopped, and the wave sucked back.

Sherburn never said a word-just stood there, looking down. the stillness was awful creepy and uncomfortable. Sherburn run his eye slow along the crowd; and wherever it struck the people tried a little to outgaze him, but they couldn't; they dropped their eyes and looked sneaky. Then pretty soon Sherburn sort of laughed; not plesant kind, but the kind that makes you feel like when you are eating bread that's got sand in it.

Then he says, slow and scornful:

"The idea of you lynching anybody! It's amusing. The idea of you thinking you had pluck enough to lynch a man! Because you're brave enough to tar and feather poor friendless cast-out women that come along here, did that make you thinkyou had grit enough to lay your hands on a man? Why, a man's safe in the hands of ten thousand of your kind-as long as it's daytime and you're not behind him.

"Do I know you? I know you clear through. I was born and raised in the South, and I've lived in the North; so I know the average all around. The average man's a coward. In the North he lets anybody walk over him that wants to, and goes home and prays for a humble spirit to bear it. In the South one man, all by himself, has stopped a stage full of men in the daytime, and robbed the lot. Your newspapers call you a brave people so much that you think you are braver than any other people- whereas you're just as brave, and no braver. Why don't your juries hang murderers? Because they're afraid the man's friend will shoot them in the back, in the dark- and it's just what they would do.

"So they always acquit; and then a man goes in the night, with a hundred masked cowards at his beck, and lynches the rascal. Your mistake is, that you didn't bring a man with you; that's one mistake, and the other is that you didn't come in the dark and fetch your masks. You brought part of a man-Buck Harkness, there-and if you hadn't had him to start you, you'd 'a' taken out in blowing.

"You didn't want to come. The average man don't like trouble and danger. You don't like trouble and danger. But if only half a man-like Buck Harkness, there- shouts 'Lynch him! Lynch him!' you're afraid to back down-afraid you'll be found out for what you are-cowards-and so you raise a yell, and hang yourselves onto that half-a-man's coat-tail, and come raging up here, swearing what big things you're going to do. The pitifulest thing out is a mob; that;s what an army is-a mob; they don't fight with courage that's born in them, but courage that's borrowed from their mass, and their officers. But a mob without any man at the head of it is beneath pitifulness. Now the thing for you to do is to droop your tails and go home and crawl in a hole. If any real lynching's going to be done it will be done in the dark, Southern fashion; and when they come they'll bring their masks, and fetch a man along. Now leave- and take your half-a-man with you"- tossing his gun up across his left arm and cocking it when he says this.

Quotes 2

"I’ll tell you a tale of Vampirates,
A tale as old as true.
Yea, I’ll sing you a song of an ancient ship,
And its mighty fearsome crew.
Yea, I’ll sing you a song of an ancient ship
That sails the oceans blue…
That haunts the oceans blue.
The Vampirate ship has tattered sails
That flap like wings in flight.
The say that the captain, he wears a veil
So as to curtail your fright
At his death-pale skin
And his lifeless eyes
And his teeth as sharp as night.
Oh, they say that the captain, he wears a veil
And his eyes never see the light.
You’d better be good, child – good as gold,
As good as good can be.
Else I’ll turn you in to the Vampirates
And wave you out to sea.
Yes, you’d better be good, child – good as gold,
Because – look! Can you see?
There’s a dark ship in the harbor tonight
And there’s room in the hold for thee!
(Plenty of room for thee!)
Well, if pirates are bad,
And vampires are worse,
Then I pray that as long as I be
That though I sing of Vampirates
I never one shall see.
Yea, if pirates are danger,
And vampires are death,
I’ll extend my prayer for thee –
That thine eyes never see a Vampirate…
…and they never lay a hand on thee."

~Justin Somper, Vampirates (Demons of the Ocean)

Sea Shanty

What shall we do with a drunken sailor (x3)
Early in the morning?
Hoo-ray/Wey-hey/Heave-ho and up she rises (x3)
Early in the morning.
Put him in the longboat till he’s sober (x3)
Early in the morning

Put him in the longboat and make him bail ‘er (x3)
Early in the morning

Put him in the bilge and make him drink it (x3)
Early in the morning

Pull out the plug and wet him all over (x3)
Early in the morning

Put him in the scuppers with a hosepipe on him (x3)
Early in the morning

Heave him by the leg in a running bowline (x3)
Early in the morning

Soak him in oil till he sprouts flippers (x3)
Early in the morning

Spray him with whiskey and light him on fire (x3)
Early in the morning

Take him and shake him and try to wake him (x3)
Early in the morning

Give him a dose of salt and water (x3)
Early in the morning

Hit him on the head with a broken hammer (x3)
Early in the morning

Hit him on the head with a broken hammer (x3)
Early in the morning

Hang him from the sails till his eyeballs fall out (x3)
Early in the morning

Tie him to the taffrail when she’s yardarm under (x3)
Early in the morning

Keelhaul him, keelhaul him (x3)
Early in the morning

Put him into bed with the captain’s daughter (x3)
Early in the morning

You’ve never seen the captain’s daughter (x3)
Early in the morning

Slap him around and call him Suzie (x3)
Early in the morning

Shave his belly with a rusty razor (x3)
Early in the morning

Put him in the back of the paddywagon (x3)
Early in the morning

Put him in his bunk with his pants on backwards (x3)
Early in the morning

Hand him from the yardarm by his toenails (x3)
Early in the morning

Send him down to Davy Jones’ Locker (x3)
Early in the morning

Give him bevy with a twist of oil (x3)
Early in the morning

That’s what we’ll do with a drunken sailor (x3)
Early in the morning.

Quotes 1

"Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest-
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
~Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island

another friend's blog

So please visit my friend's blog...

so i was watching simba's pride and got a cool quote

"only, a lot"

and i found one decent character in hucklberry finn... his name is sherburn... the problem is that he only appears in one chapter of the book (*crys a little*)

so anyway i have decided to honor my favorite character by commiting to memory what he says... it's awesome

Pride Essay

Superbia, gloria, hokori, pride. In any language, the word for pride caries a certain degree of power and longing. Strong words, compelling the ear to hear more.

Pride. It enables us to see the full potential of worth in the things we do. It is the ability to prize the fruits of our labors. It is the reason we find a longing to care for our country and family. Also it is a darkness clouding our minds from seeing the errors of our actions, a selfish greedy monster that allows no alterations in our life. It is the over-confidence and cockiness that stop us from striving to reach our full potential. So what really is pride? Is it our friend, our crutch to lean on? Or is it an inner beast bent on our complete annihilation; the one with the monstrous need for unwavering traditions that will lead to our ultimate demise?

Pride: inordinate self-esteem: conceit: a reasonable or justifiable self-respect: delight arising from some act, possession, or relationship

That is what the dictionary defines pride as. But is pride bending our will for a sake of selfish desires or is reaching our will out in passion and love?

Without pride our county, our courageous warriors, would have no support from the civilians they try to make safe from the eternal gloom brought upon by war and a society ruled by a nonexistent structure and disciplinary system. People who spend their lives embracing the protection and equality of this country; the ones who pour their blood into our soil and the soil of their homeland to provide safety and defense to those too weak to defend theirselves, they would disappear. Without pride, our country would be ruled by people of random actions not by people striving to obtain the growth and advancement needed to make our country soar above all prior expectations. Many countries would have a foundation of bribery and deceit, if any at all. We would no longer have people pouring their hearts into their jobs. Instead we would find ourselves in the care of people who could care less about helping people. I may be alone, but I would rather not find myself in the hands of a medical specialist who could careless whether I live or cease my existence in this world. Also without pride we would have nothing to live for and in that thought our existence in this world would be a pointless charade. We would have nothing to strive for nor would we have any reason to die so our existence, our being, the things that make us who we are and give us a place in this world would be absolutely pointless. We would be living an empty life in an empty void.
On that note, with pride we are blinded in our own light and glory, and travel an unwavering course to our total and complete obliteration. Pride mutates our thoughts past the point of common sense and onto the path of irrational behavior. Pride wallows in prejudices and discrimination, foolishness and false praises. It truly is a demon created by our own making. One that allows us to view our position in society in the most illogical of ways. Allowing us to coincide with fallacious praising which poisons our soul, giving it the mucky hue of dirt which is what we have, if under the influence of pride, by that time become. We begin thinking ourselves as immortal and our own cockiness derived from our crocked perception of ourselves causes our ultimate defeat of both body and soul. That is, in end, what Pride strives for, the gnarled and twisted demolition of the soulless carcass that we become after falling into the grasp of the indestructible horror that resides in any heart that is too foolish to see past it, Pride.
So to conclude, pride is a thing that must stay in perfect balance with itself in order to not destroy society. It is something that we can’t sustain a complete life without but also something that we can’t live a full with after falling into the flea bitten hands of. Demise is pride’s ultimate goal. It leaves us no option of living without it and little option of living with it.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Book Request

So... i was loking for this book i have, Catcher in the Rye, but i can't seem to find it so i am sending a request out there to any one who has read it or the back of it to see what it is about because although i own the book i never got around to reading it (and those who know me know why) so i just would like to know what it is about

so if anyone has read it please post a comment and tell me a little about it (opinions can be included in your description of it)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


So the other day when me and seiri and tom and seiri's friend were walking home from tennis we saw this guy that was running in frount of us without a shirt on and seiri started singing the "i must be emo" song and when she got to the line "my life is spiraling downward" i said (loud enough for the guy to hear) like your pants... me and seiri were very stressed because he was being very indesant and had his pants below his butt... i was like... when you get to that piont it would be more productive to just not wear pants at all...but anyway after that we had to take a detour home so he woudn't see wear we lived because after that he turned around and was waiting for us to come down the same road... it was really funny though , see his expressiion after i compared his pants to mine and seiri's depression and our lives spiraling into a dark abis

good bye to riceball alliance

For the few people who visit this site i just wish to tell you that i will no longer be posting on the riceball alliance due to the fact that half the people on there i don't even know and the fact that i can no longer visit the site without my computer freezing or crashing. i was planning to help manage the site but i ran out of pacients waiting for my computer to load and don't think my parents will be happy if i end up throwing the computer out the window.

so if you wish to visit my blog still please visit this one

and the few people this was derected to were mainly tom and seiri...sorry guys but i don't think it's good for my computer to continue to freeze and crash since it's on it's last line anyway...if my dad ever fixes the new computer i will try posting again...but till then i will remain on only this and hiei's blog

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

finally a new post

So... sorry about not posting for a while...i was on "vacation" (if that's what you call the tortureous trip i went on) anyway... i went to the beach and that was an adventure in itself.

THE DRIVE: so on the drive their i was holding hiei (we decided to bring the puppies) and my mom gave him a rawhide bone, which he swallowed whole. apperently he is either car sick or just had an upset stomach because suddenly he started acting wierd and i was like..."mom somethings wrong with really mom somethings wrong with hiei...oh never mind...i know what's wrong with hiei" because by that time he had throwen on all down my pants. since i wasn't planning on swimming i hadn't brought any extra cloths so i ended up wearing my dad's cloths... my ofit had previously been a black shirt with black pants and hiking boots. now it was a black shirt with too big blue shorts and hiking boots. a short time after we had gotten back in the car and cleaned up all the puck...he threw up again on me... so i had to wear my dad's air force swim shorts... after my mom had had her fun on the beach the wind had blown so much sand on me that i had to change once again... this time i ended up wearing forest green shorts with a much too big lighter safari green shirt which was tied up around my waist with the sleves roled up along with hiking boot... in short i looked like a female version of the crocadile hunter...and it didn't help that i was caring my puppy...yea and the worst part is i was entirlly out of my element the entire time (being as it is that i am a pyromaniac)

so then today i spent the entire day helping my mom set up the classroom before school starts...we stayed at the untill around ten o'clock at night and when we were leaving the entirely deserted school i suddenly heard keys jingling at the other end of the schoolso i froze getting readly for the fight or flight responce to become nessacery and my mom this entire time was just talking away when she relized that i wasn't moveing with my eyes fixed on the far end of the hallway so she froze scared of what would make me react like that (since as my friends know i am just about the hardest person to get to react to anything in any sort of tense manner...aka i don't scare easily...or at all really) so after my mom turned around she noticed a light coming from a tiny flashlight on the ground... by this time though i had already made out a silouette of a man and was waiting to see what he would do. then the man turned on the hall light and i could see his uniform and by this time the man had finally noticed us (and for a sucurety gaurd i think he is a bit unaware of his surroundings) he began walking over to us and my mom showed him her badge so we were fine to be in the school, but we learned that the schools have been broken into a lot recently and that is why the gaurd was there at that time. so fun at school at midnight.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


So that was a very amusing movie to say the least... i mean come on their were so many possibilities for the number

Saturday, August 4, 2007

A thanks to send out

I wish to send out a thanks to tom, whom has helped to get seiri, hiei, and me songs and helped me to get a picture on my profile... so thanks and much appriciated


Lyrics to Dark Side Stories

So every time i here the name of this song i always think of the book wayside stories... but hey that's me for you

so the lyrics i promised

in the past i ran through freezing dark
not hesitating i chose to betray

my silver hair fluttered and i burned with dark ambitions
my heart of ice can't melt
my dark side

At night i lay in dead grass, sleeping alone
the only dream my jagan saw was revenge

nobody wished for me to be born

you can't extinguish
my heart of flames
my dark side

I'd been living in hell where the dry wind blows
not knowing tears, instead depending only on strength

The endless memories
are really a picture of fighting

Engraved in a wandering heart
my dark side

Engraved in a wandering heart
my dark side

Sorry if it's choppy and at parts a little off, i learned the englis version in asl form so it's a tad off from spoken english

my puppy's site

so i set up a site for my puppy the address is please visit there for him it will make him very happy

Friday, August 3, 2007


so fallen comes on in a few minutes and i am very happy... i have been waiting all week for it to come on
So... did you know that if you stick gatorade in the freezer it turns into a sort of cold cotton candy texture... it is really awesome and yummy

now to go watch fallen... i am so happy

Fruits Basket - holding out for a hero

Holding Out For A Hero

Itachi the superstar

you will never look at itachi the same

So my friend's reasons for why i should marry a blind guy

so my friends... mostly LW think that i should marry a blind guy because he would always know where i am at (due to my obsession with any thing that makes noise... 'specially bells)... they said that i could lead him around... after they said this i pointed out that after i "lead" him into a wall for the 16th time in less than a 2 hour period due to the fact that i didn't realize there was a wall there the blind guy would proubably take the liberty of leading me...(*laughs*)

PS i'm not making fun of blind people... i am making fun of my self because i keep running into the wall outside my room even though i have been living in the same house for two years (i always can swear that it wasn't there the time before) well what can you do this is jaki we are talking about after all

Thursday, August 2, 2007

New side blog

so me, lone wolf and tom have a combined blog please feel welcome to stop in.

i will still be telling you stories from mine though

Please visit

this is my friend's blog you should visit (after you visit and comment on mine of course)

About the ghost posts

to the people who noticed the two posts that don't say anything... i apologize. i was trying to delete the posts but couldn't figure out how to so they became my Ghost Posts...hey that rhymes...

Wish I had an angel

this is my second favorite song from does have a bad meaning but i like the song itself

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

God Help the Outcasts

These are the lyrics to God Help the Outcasts just in case you can't watch the music video(i say this because i myself can't watch the videos... my computer is slow and our new one broke...that may have been my fault)

I don't know if you can hear me
or even if you're there
i don't know if you would listen
to a gypsy's prayer
yes, i know i'm just an outcast
i shouldn't speak to you
still i see your face and wonder
were you an outcast too?

God help the outcasts
hungry from birth
show them your mercy
they don't find on earth
the lost and forgotten
they look to you still
god help the outcasts
or nobody will

i ask for wealth, i ask for fame
i ask for glory to shine on my name
i ask for love, i can posess
i ask for god and his angels to bless me.

i ask for nothing
i can get by
but i know so many
less lucky than i
please help my people
the poor and downtrod
i thought we all were... all were
children of god

god help the outcasts
children of god...

Elvenpath - Elves

favorite song from nightwish

Yu Yu Hakusho - Dark Side Stories

i will write a translation for the song later

Phantom of the Opera--Nightwish

i'm a total phantom of the opera lover in case you haven't read my profile's short list of movies i love

Phantom Of The Opera Music Video - God Help The Outcasts

i love this song...remember to help those most in need of friendship

AMV - Hunchback of Notre Dame

Kyrie Eleison (lord have mercy)

Oliver and Company - Why Should I Worry

it would be awesome to see a dog doing this

Lord Sesshomaru - By Myself

i love it, it's the perfect song for sesshy

Yu Yu Hakusho's Heros

Nickleback version

Mr. Wonderful Kurama

A kurama version of Mr.wonderful

Yu Yu Hakusho - Butterfly (Kurama Tribute)

i love this song

Kurama ~Koori No Naifu O Daite~

so this is sung by the same person that does kurama's vioce in the anime...she(yes i mean she) has a pretty voice

Gaara's Broken Wings

it's sad and cute and makes my heart want to melt

Naruto Numa Numa remix amv

I like this song

How to play Jaki Tennis

Step 1:Get a lot of rackets and an even greater number of tennis balls.
Step 2:Go to a tennis court that doesn't usually have a lot of people(this is to avoid unnecessary raises in fatality counts)with a group of friends that also don't know how to "play tennis"
Step 3:Use any method you can think of to hit the ball somewhere
Step 4:When you see the ball, swing your racket around the area that you assume the ball will be.
Step 5:If step 4 doesn't allow you to "return" the ball then through your racket after the ball and see if you can hit it like that (if you can't find the ball after you hit it try checking your racket)

Rules for Scoring

1 point if you can get the ball out of your court by any means
1 point for not making the ball go into the creak for the entire game
Anything inside the fence is in
The winner is the last person to die of exhaustion

Sadly enough i would like to say that the game of tennis i just described was a joke but that would be lieing due to the fact that, that really is how we "play tennis"

Other names of our "tennis"
Samurai Tennis
Jaki Tennis
Whacking the Area Around Where We Think the Ball Will Be
Lethal Tennis
The Duck and Cover Drill(because you often have to duck and cover to avoid my racket from hitting you in the head)

Jack Sparrow is Mr. Wonderful

so just in case you are wondering, no these are not my video, i did not make them and i don't know who did...i just think they are really great

Kurama-Stray Child

I love the song, it's from .Hack...and i love kurama

Hiei and Kurama Must Be EMO!!

sorry if it offends people, i just think it's funny...and no i'm not making fun of hiei and kurama on the basis that i love them

Story Time

So...L.W. do you remember that trip you, me, and cat took last summer? Well i was thinking about those names we gave each other... you know where you were i and i was we and cat was you...that was funny. we...i mean i and we should do that again.(*smiles while remembering*)

About Shi...I mean me

So... i suppose that i should give you a heads up now...i am also known as shi(pronounced she not shy), cod, and of course my favorite Queen of Sarcasm...along with many other names so please if someone calls me something like that just go with the flow.
Sorry to the people who read the comments, i really don't know how to speak japanese, i just know a few words...ok a few more than a few. Sorry again.

P.S. anyone who wants to teach me words in any language is welcome to...(please include a how to pronunce the words not just how to spell them.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Just to say sorry

I just wanted to say sorry about any type-o's and in my first post i ment Questions not guestions...sorry guys i hope you'll hang in there with me as i get over my inaccurate spelling.

Welcoming new riceballs

I forgot to say this in my last post but if you wish to be a riceball send me a post with your flavor of riceball because i will shortly be posting a list of riceballs.Also for Magic Tupperware, i will soon be posting from the Random Book of Randomness, and am looking forward to more of your "lovely" insight.

Intro to a world of randomness

So...if you are reading this you will shortly realize that i just started this and if you continue to read in a few moments you will realize that the intro to randomness wasn't a joke(and that i hate capitalizing words).So in short i would like to welcome you and ask for your forgivness if i don't post very often, i don't get online very often.Secondly i will explain the riceballs part of the address; so strap into a completely random story. So to begin with let me introduce my friends...Tuna Riceball (also known as jackette), Catfish Riceball (i don't think she has another name...maybe...maybe not) and of corse Cod Riceball (also known as Jaki or me).(these of course aren't our real names if they were i would have some interesting and not all that respectful "questions" for our parents.) Well the story is that we were thinking that we needed a name for ourselves since we always hung around each other. We got our name for the Fruits Basket series (manga in case your wondering). For you who haven't read the book, no the book is not about a basket of fruit, it is a tale of a young girl with the ability to overcome any hardships in her life with an optimistic outlook. This girl, tohru honda, meets a family with a curse that causes them to turn into animals when hugged by the opposite sex. I'm going to skip a lot of the story in the book she has a flashback to her childhood where she was in school and they were playing a game,fruits basket(similar to that farmer game...i forgot the name...but the one where every person if named after an animal or object on the farm...oh well) anyway in short all the people in the game are named after fruit and they call her a riceball, which in case you don't realize would never belong in a basket of fruit. At the time she doesn't realize that they are teasing her and as she get older the riceball situation often arises in her life, also through out the story the riceball is often used in symbolism. So the reason me and my friends chose that name is because it implies that every one is an outcast from one group or another. (Post me if you want more of the story)

P.S. if you have any book suggestions for me to read please post

P.P.S. i am open for any discussions about book