Saturday, March 8, 2008

for michelle

you wanted the quote and it's on the page just further down so i moved it to the top

by the way: Wolfy if you still check this website you should call me we haven't talked forever oh and i'll try to email my story to you if i can i tryed a few days ago but my computer wouldn't let me

"Those feelings you call "love" are nothing but an illusion. Indubitably. Love is clearly nothing more than an extension of mankind's drive to possess things. Except,, for some reason, just because this "thing" we're coveting is a person, we rut the idea on a pedestal and glorify it. Though in the end... likewise, wanting to do something for someone else, that's just another self-serving impulse. After all, you're only doing what you believe they want, not what you know they want. The only way that the ideal of love would have a truly special value, would be to vow never to try to possess the other person. In other words... the only true love is platonic. Don't you see that love, morals, religion and anything else that society deems to have spiritual value are completely made up? And when society begins to accept, and then project these values upon our natural desires, invariably other things with lesser value get attached, too. So what you end up with when you say the word "love" is something so warped and vulger that it's poisonous to our very souls. Don't you see that once we start to harbor monopolistic tendencies towards objects or even people, we're just setting the stage for coercion and violence to preserve what we deem to be our "rights" to those objects and/or people? And that has the potential to bring about such danger and turmoil that for the life of me I don't understand why you all insist on glamorizing it. It's something of a problem if i do say so myself. Frankly, it pains me to try and imagine what you all get out of it."~Kyo, Missing


Chocolatl said...

Thats an interesting quote there. im not sure i agree with it. in fact i know i dont. however i also know that i dont understand love, so instead of saying that i dont believe that i should say that i refuse to believe that. if love can make people so happy how can it jsut be "setting the stage for coercion and violence". i do, however, believe that no one has the right to anyone. the idea itself is absurd. But the idea of love being a poison just doesnt sit well with me. Do you agree with this quote?

but moving on, i looked at your profile and the thing that immediately caught my eye was your age. how old are you really? And as you fail to specify, and i am an extremely curious person, are you a guy or a girl? just wondering. you dont have to answer any questions (obviously), i was just wondering.

The Jester said...

hey NEW FRIENDS!!! i love you already for just coming to my blog... i will be posting a story i wrote shortly you should tell me if you like it.

oh and curiosity killed the cat... though it is said that satisfaction brought it back... i may tell you my age and gender eventually.... or.... i know lats play a game. you try guessing and give me reasons for your guesses and i will tell you if you are right. rules: no random guessing(i.e. you must have a reason)

tell me if you will comply to my game and nice to meet you

The Black Prince

The Jester said...

oh and no i believe their is such thing as try love like or else no one would ever die for someone else because their can be no true self gain from that but i believe that the majority of ideas people mistake for love are just poisonious facades of the lowliest spawns of lust and no where close to real love. so in answer to your question believe the quote in the position of what most people think love is but disagree with it if it is used to describe true love

hope you can make sence of what i just said