Sunday, September 16, 2007

stupidity again

so it's stupid how the entire world trys to make you what you aren't... i mean who has acctually gone through a day being entirly themselves and saying whatever they want to say (and yes seiri i know i usually speak my mind but no not even i have)

kinda like how most guys don't show emotion because society expects them to be strong and emotionless like robots, why do guys think they can't show there true feelings, why are girls expected to cry a lot and be really sensitive. why are some people expected to be lawyers while others are expected to rot away in jail

what would happen if everyone retained childhood innocents and never felt like they needed to please society

love shi


Silvertongue said...

Society expects this from people because it is convenient. If the masses had to evaluate every person and their personality it would be too much for "normal" people. That is why most have come to group genders/races/etc. into groups such as that.

Anonymous said...

I think its more complicated than that christine. *chuckles*

The problem with society is that everyone just wishes to be accepted so therefore they feel the need to submit to the 'ways' in which the media says we should live, act, dress, eat, look, etc. This results in the certain groups/genders/races/etc.

I pray that one day society will see that you're NEVER going to be accepted by everyone. If Jesus wasn't able to than no one can.

Anonymous said...

*concerning the last sentences* then we would all play games and have snack time and I would be the most evil child on earth.

The Jester said...

and life would be grand would it not wolfy

like the insight raoul my dear