Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Welcoming new riceballs

I forgot to say this in my last post but if you wish to be a riceball send me a post with your flavor of riceball because i will shortly be posting a list of riceballs.Also for Magic Tupperware, i will soon be posting from the Random Book of Randomness, and am looking forward to more of your "lovely" insight.


Silvertongue said...

Hello, this is Tom, Magic Tupperware, Rice Riceball any of those is fine. I am glad you decided to make a blog Jaki, I think it is a good idea. Finally a way to let the world (or at least the few who read this) know what is inside our heads. Sounds like fun.

P.S. Glad to know my insight is "lovely"

The Jester said...

Thanks tom...but i'm not all that sure that the world is ready to know what's inside our head (*laughs*) oh well i guess they don't have a choice now do they.

Brace yourself world; the riceballs are uniting under one website

Anonymous said...

...I'm kinda concerned about you two (sighs). Oh well, what can I do.

Anyways, lets see, I suppose I should introduce myself. First off, I'd like to say that I'm the more sane one in our group. If you don't understand something Magic or Codfish say, come to me. I will attempt to translate. Okay, my name(names)is Tunafish Riceball, Jacket, Jackette, Hikari, Sarp, Sarp Soup, BakaGyotaku(which means stupid fish print in Japanese I was going for stupid fish and mistaked Gyotaku as just fish and later learned that it meant fish print oh well what can ya do), Sari(sair-e)*I thank Codfish for that one*, Lone Wolf, hmmm,...what else??? Ah, who cares? It doesn't matter. Just choose one and call me it. As for my real name that's only to be known by my friends and family. Until you're a friend just choose one of these names to call me. LOL! On the internet I am mainly known as Lone Wolf. By the way, please my peoples don't give out my real name. Thanks!

Congrats Shi(Jaki) on getting a blog. This is going to be SO awesome!!!! I must agree with what Magic said about letting 'the world know what is inside our heads' because confusing people is fun!!!


~Lone Wolf~"Jesus taught that the evidence that confirms our leaps of faith comes after we risk believing, not before." ~Gloria Gaither

Silvertongue said...

Hey Lone Wolf, Jaki says you should read her profile (and mine too). She would say this in person, but she turned off her computer. Oh, by the way you should add a picture to your profile and other stuff like that.

Jaki has told me this through her telepathic connection.

The Jester said...

to l.w.
sure you are...
ah... sanity...such a fairy tale
love, shi

Silvertongue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Silvertongue said...

"Heh...Sanity? Sorry, I don't recall ever having anything like that." --Zaraki

Silvertongue said...

By the way the deleted post was mine. It was the exact same as what i posted afterwards, but it didn't look how it said it would look in the preview. The name of the quoted person was on another line. It just didn't look good and i couldn't find out how to edit it, hence the deletion.

Oh and before Jaki says, "Sure we all believe that." in the trademark sarcastic speech we've come to know and love, yes that is the reason.