Sunday, September 30, 2007

Quotes Continued

"Interesting... how unexpected regret can appear... I only wanted to know if you could make your life better, nobler than mine has been." ~Kurama Yoko

"Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose garden." ~T.S. Eliot

"It is a mortifying reflection for any man to consider what he has done compared with what he might have done." ~Samuel Johnson

"We own up to minor failings, but only so as to convince others that we have no major ones." ~La Rochefroucauld

"I've never any pity for conceited people, because i think they carry their comfort around with them." ~George Eliot

"At our birth nature... gave us reason, not perfect, but capable of being perfected." ~Seneca the Younger

"Man in the present state of society appears to me to be more corrupted by his reason then by his passions." ~Chamfort

"I regret nothing, says arrogance; I will regret nothing, says inexperience." ~Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

"Remorse drives the weak to despair and the strong to sainthood." ~Rousseau

"He that once deceives is ever suspected." ~George Herbert

"Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly and, if you speak, speak accordingly." ~Benjamin Franklin

"Sorrow makes us all children again, destroys differences of intellect. The wisest knows nothing." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Believe me, every heart has its secret sorrow which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"The strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack." ~Rudyard Kipling

"True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself." ~Henry Miller

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself." ~Alexander Chase

“I don’t discriminate. I hate everyone equally. I hate everyone so much that I made a “hate list”. Then I see you are making a “hate list”, which is my frikkin idea. Now I have abandoned my hate list and created a “hate plaque” with your name on it, and ONLY your name. So now I don’t hate indiscriminately…I hate you above all others.” ~Bruce Prokopets (Kat's favorite quote)

Note: Wolfy Sama I know you want me to drop it but I truly am sorry and want to make it up to you. Love Shi Chan

Saturday, September 29, 2007


"No neurotic harbors thoughs of suicide which are not murderous impulses against others redirected upon himself." ~Sigmund Freud

"Damnation is in the essence.
A damned person could be in the highest heaven:
He would still expirience hell and its torments." ~Angelus Silesius

more later

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


so... no i did not say this quote and no i don't fully believe it... it is funny though

"Those feelings you call "love" are nothing but an illusion. Indubitably. Love is clearly nothing more than an extension of mankind's drive to possess things. Except,, for some reason, just because this "thing" we're coveting is a person, we rut the idea on a pedestal and glorify it. Though in the end... likewise, wanting to do something for someone else, that's just another self-serving impulse. After all, you're only doing what you believe they want, not what you know they want. The only way that the ideal of love would have a truly special value, would be to vow never to try to possess the other person. In other words... the only true love is platonic. Don't you see that love, morals, religion and anything else that society deems to have spiritual value are completely made up? And when society begins to accept, and then project these values upon our natural desires, invariably other things with lesser value get attached, too. So what you end up with when you say the word "love" is something so warped and vulger that it's poisonous to our very souls. Don't you see that once we start to harbor monopolistic tendencies towards objects or even people, we're just setting the stage for coercion and violence to preserve what we deem to be our "rights" to those objects and/or people? And that has the potential to bring about such danger and turmoil that for the life of me I don't understand why you all insist on glamorizing it. It's something of a problem if i do say so myself. Frankly, it pains me to try and imagine what you all get out of it."

~Kyo, Missing

so i guess this can be used for i very extreme excuse if you don't want to go out with someone... and as i said i don't believe in all of it... it's just a really funny excuse to use on people...Love Eric

Sunday, September 16, 2007

stupidity again

so it's stupid how the entire world trys to make you what you aren't... i mean who has acctually gone through a day being entirly themselves and saying whatever they want to say (and yes seiri i know i usually speak my mind but no not even i have)

kinda like how most guys don't show emotion because society expects them to be strong and emotionless like robots, why do guys think they can't show there true feelings, why are girls expected to cry a lot and be really sensitive. why are some people expected to be lawyers while others are expected to rot away in jail

what would happen if everyone retained childhood innocents and never felt like they needed to please society

love shi

Thursday, September 13, 2007

sorry blog

my blog feels lonely because i have been posting on the group blog and riceball alliance but no it.. so i wish to tell it sorry

i'm sorry bloggy i didn't mean to leave you out... i'm so sorry

love shi

Thursday, September 6, 2007

stupidity in society

copyed from riceball alliance

so.... this is stupid ...
have you ever noticed that in the US all people seem to care about is sports... i mean think about it... you have people who play professional sports and get payed over a million dollars, then you have people who save lives and make america a more civil place who sometimes get payed enough to barely make a house payment. not only that but when it comes to colledge you get the sports people who may have a smaller brain than sheep who follow each other off a cliff but they get a full scholarship to any colledge of their choice where people who actually try hard to seceed in school may not even get to go to colledge because by the time it comes to them... there is no longer any scholarship money left. it's a wonderful society we live in right.... the bookworms who strive to make a difference are cut down, ridiculed, pushed around, and taken advantage of while the preps and jokes sit in class disturding the few who are trying to learn.we are never good enough in school to be respected but when it comes to the "star players" getting injured , the "nerds" are now of use
think about it... if all the "nerds" and "geeks" left the sports players they would not know what to do. they would be lost without us but we never get the deserved recognition were the sports people are admired for shoving people around and fighting over insignificant dead animals and inatimant objects.i say all of us out there striving to make a difference deserve better
all of you who stand by me REJOICE one day they won't have us and then they will relize their true position in this world
leave comments expressing your opinions
love shi aka jaki